Category Archives: Barracuda News
An Automated External Defibrillator (AED), placed for safety of clients and employees.
5th September. Sal island. The Barracuda restaurant provides in its facilities an Automate External Defibrillator (AED) equipment, a portable electronic device that automatically diagnoses the heart rhythm and can send an electric shock to the heart to try to restore a normal rhythm. AEDs are used to treat sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). With this pioneering initiative, the Barracuda restaurant contributes to improve the safety of its clients and employees. The NGO África Avanza has contributed to the installation of the equipment and staff training.
The Barracuda Restaurant, certified with the gold award of Excellence in Hygiene and Food Safety.
19 june 2015. Ilha de Sal. O Restaurante Barracuda tam implementado o programa de certificação Capesafety de Excelência em Higiene e Segurança Alimentar.
A empresa Preverisk realizou auditorias neste estabelecimento, assegurando o cumprimento dos requisitos estabelecidos nas normas e garantindo um serviço de qualidade, seguro e profissional. Os manîpuladores de alimentos concluiram com êxito o programa de formaçao CAPESAFETY. Capesafety é uma iniciativa promovid pela Câmara de Turismo de Cabo Verde, financiada pela Direçao Geral de Turismo de Cabo Verde atravès do Fundo Social de Sustentabilidade para o Turimo (FSST) e desenvolvido a nivel tècnico pelo Preverisk Services Group.
O Restaurante Barrcuda tem sido certificado com o diploma de “Ouro” ja que tem sido o estabelecimento que tem atingido a maior pontuação.
Mitu Monteiro, kite surf world champion, in Barracuda Restaurant
30.05.2015 Mitu Monteiro, campeão do mundo de kite surf , depois de uma turnê que lioua todas as ilhas de Cabo Verde ao velejar com seu kite surf foi convidado pela Câmara de Turismo de Cabo Verde para um jantar no Restaurante Barracuda. Os nossos parabéns e admiração a um atleta de classe mundial e grande pessoa, não só pela esta aventura, mas tambem pela toda sua carreira profissional.
The famous singer Tony Carreira in the Barracuda Restaurant
20-02-2015. Today the famous singer Tony Carreira had vistited our restaurat. Tony Carreira is renowned for being the portuguese singer that more fans drag to their shows.
visit the official site of Tony Carreira
Actress Maria João Bastos at Barracuda
The well knownn portuguese and international actress was in the Barracuda Restaurant celebrating the birthday of his mother.
Our kitchen has had a complete makeover!
03-10-2014. The Barracuda Restaurant is now using new, more modern, more efficient, more environmentally friendly kitchen equipment, provided by REPAGAS SA though the skill of our chef Chef Benvinda Dos Santos is still our most important asset. We are sure that this new equipment will help us to assure the maximum quality in our fish dishes, roasts and all the other exquisite dishes served at the Barracuda.
The Barracuda Restaurant supports the solidarity-based medical program of the NGO "África Avanza".
20-02-2014. “The Barracuda Restaurant supports the great charity work done by the Spanish-based NGO África Avanza in Sal. For the past two years África Avanza has been workingat the Sal Island Hospital to set up a medical cooperation programme under the name “Médicos Solidarios para Cabo Verde”. To that end, groups of volunteer doctors specialising in different fields travel to the island regularly to conduct medical examinations and operations on an altruistic basis. (more…)
The Barracuda Restaurant cooperates with the Cape Verde Paralympic Committee
The Cape Verde Paralympic sports team chose the Barracuda as the venue for its annual celebratory dinner. 16 athletes and management staff from the Cape Verde an the International Paralympic Committee, including javelin thrower Marcio Fernandes, attended the event. This was a very special meal for all of us who form part of the Barracuda family. We are proud to cooperate and host these true sporting champions, who are also champions at overcoming obstacles and unbeatable in terms of their kindness and humanitarianism. Come back soon!